ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt - "Our analysts are in their groups"

Surely there are ADL operatives in every political or religious group throughout the West. Even Moms for Liberty, Catholic advocacy groups, and every group similar or to the right of those. It is also sure that they are doing much more than "analyzing".

Kenneth Copeland is a Demon

The New Testament is made by the Blood of Christ, the Lamb of God. But here this Kenneth Copeland demon is offering a covenant made with his own blood. This man is a huckster and a devil.

Mohel Molestation

How is this not Pedophilia? How is this not unlawful sexual contact of a minor? How is this acceptable? Because they are Jews, they are special? Oh yes, their Talmud actually permits them to rape children, both girls and boys. This is only the beginning of their Sodomy and child abuse practices.

When a Jew Speaks the Truth

Sarah Silverman the Hairy MonkeyWhen a Jew makes a truthful admission, it is usually for the sake of some other agenda, perhaps even sympathy.