Natural Selection at Work: Negro Eats Cocaine From Brother's Butt, Dies

This story gives "buttcrack" a whole new meaning!

Police: Man Trying To Hide Drug Evidence In Squad Car

POSTED: 10:13 am EST December 20, 2011
UPDATED: 10:18 am EST December 20, 2011

A South Carolina man's brother died after police said he was forced to eat cocaine hidden in his brother's backside.

Both brothers were taken into custody on allegations they had drugs in their car.

It's Already Here

This is the result of the Nigrification of Western Society. The bastards are good for nothing, have never created anything of value, and can only wallow in the filth both literally and figuratively. They are perverted, filthy animals which just happen to have rudimentary cognitive abilities only slightly beyond that of apes. Yet the jew continues to ram this vile scum down the throats of the formerly Christian West. Soon it won't be a chicken: it will be your daughter - or even you yourself.