David "Daisy" Duke Kissing it Up with the ConservaNogs
Daisy will whore himself out for pennies, and shift his beliefs to whatever area the money is at.
Daisy will whore himself out for pennies, and shift his beliefs to whatever area the money is at.
Did somebody defund the police? Is that why they are out begging? Really, isn't panhandling illegal?
This is Kennesaw in Cobb County, Georgia. Not too long ago, the Cobb County police were hunting down panhandlers and asking residents to call 911 if they spotted any! Cobb Police On Trail of Suspected Panhandlers
But this time he is right... When the Haitians run out of dogs and cats, then they will be eating people!
Presidential candidates Ronald Reagan and George Bush, who would later become running mates but here are competitors in the primary elections, debate in Texas over illegal immigrant access to public schools. Clearly the handwriting was on the wall at that time, that these Republicans were willing to accomodate law-breaking invaders just as much as any Democrats were.
Richard Fochtmann, pronounced "fucked man", speaks at a public forum held by the Maine Democratic Party shortly before the November. 2016 elections. The attending Democrats evidently think his remarks celebrating increasing suicide rates among White males were funny. Too bad the party didn't choose to offer Kool-Aid as a refreshment for the event.
Some liberal websites, such as the Daily Caller, are claiming that an attendee had immediately called Fochtmann out for his joke, and that Fochtmann even apologized. But oddly they do not produce any evidence to support the claim.
In the 1970's young lawyer Hillary Rodham lied through her teeth to get a child rapist off with a wrist slap. Discussing it years later, she seemed rather proud of her "accomplishment".
There should be no surprise whatsoever, that her husband shares her ethics. Hillary and her husband are eternally Deplorable!